
22 | she/they
nonbinary lesbian
taken by dave
@ninespottedmoth on discord

art by @cervidrawn on tumblr


- dont refer to me as queer
- if we are mutuals please tag relevant images/videos with #emetophobia or similar or i will unfollow
- idm minors following/being mutuals with me but if you post nsfw i will unfollow you
- if you send me asks about topics ive stated i wont discuss i will be mean to you
- i do not use tone indicators unless directly asked to. i'd prefer you just asked me what i mean
- if you need me to tag something just let me know :)
- i will not reblog donation posts sent to me in asks/messages unless we are friends
- i am critical of my interests


if you
- excuse any form of bigotry
- make/consume nsfw content of minors
- are gonna send me lgbt discourse (i will be mean to you)
dont be nasty


- ecology and environmental science
- paleontology (dinosaurs mostly)
- fishkeeping
- art
- baking
- collecting toys (stuffed animals)
- mechanical keyboards
- dnd


not a complete list just some of em
- splatoon
- how to train your dragon
- guild wars 2 (charr <3)
- fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
- zelda
- stardew valley
- sea of thieves

favorite characters

- vriska
- catra
- mae borowski
- pearl and marina
- toothless (httyd)
- noivern
- tybalt, chevre, whitney (ac)

thanks for reading :)